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- Imadol, Kathmandu
- info@sultanacare.org
"The believer's shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity." (Tirmidhi)
The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed of grain that sprouts seven ears; in every ear, there are a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies it further for whom He wills." - The Quran (2:261)
We're happy to hear from you! If you want to help out, give your thoughts, or join forces with us, feel free to get in touch using the contact information above or by filling out the form below.
Sultana ease the way you live Islamic life in Nepal. It brings all the Nepali Muslims under one platform and shares the Islamic ways of life. Our Islamic values and insights influence all aspects of our work, and sit alongside our decades of development experience in helping to shape humanitarian and social justice approaches in Nepal.
ABN: 78218847935
Doing business as Sultana Care Inc
Address: 10/11 Nelson St, Penshurst NSW 2222
Phone: 0403054593